> Date and schedules :
Saturday 22/03 from 10am to 7pm
Dimanche 23/03 from 09.30am to 6pm
> Price ranges :
Full rate: 5€
Two days package: 8€
Students: 2€
Free access for children under twelve, and for those registered in a workshop
Do you want to optimize your time ?
You can directly take your entry tickets on our Hello Asso website.
In order to avoid waiting in line at the entry of the fair.
> Place :
The exhibition will take place in the Milius hall (Salle Milius), in the city of Illkirch-Graffenstaden, 158 route de Lyon.
The workshops will happen at the Vill’A. You’re invited to confirm your presence at the reception, before acceding to the workshops.

> Access :
By car :
Take the “La vigie” Exit on the A35, then follow
the Illkirch direction before going to the ‘’centre ville sud’’ parking via the Krafft street.
By tram:
The millius hall is linked with the city center directly via the tram A, you can stop at the Graffenstaden stop, which is the terminus.
By bike:
There’s numerous bike parking near the Millius hall.

> For the gourmets: :
Several addresses will be communicated later.
> Other Access
Hello Asso (Registration and payment for the workshops)